

So, apparently that was an epic fail.  Even more reason to go and read the blogs so you can see the funny emoticons!  ( ´ー`)


So,  I had to read the first "mission" for Densha Otoko for my Intro to Japan class.  At first I was a little skeptical because most things are somewhat boring.  However, this story (which was made into a movie and TV series) is true.  Its about an otaku (nerd) who saves this woman on a train and falls in love with her.

At first, it sounded really cheesy.  But then I got hooked!  Its actually really funny.  And its kinda like "Dating for Dummies."  Plus, the emoticons are amazing!  I have so much respect for people who can do them (especially the more elaborate ones) because I can't.  To help spread the amusement, I am posting them here.  Remember, they are all thanks to Densha Otoko, which can be found here:  http://www.rinji.tv/densha/index.html  which I recommend for all to read!  :)

( ´ ^ `  IN

( - o -  OUT

        good job!!             
       _ _           ( )   ( )       _ _ good job!!
        (ヨ,,. i             |  |  / .ノ        i .,,E
good job!!  \ \          |  |  / /         / /
  _n      \ \   _ _  .|  | / / __   
 (  l     _ _  \( <_,` )|  | / / ,_` )/ /    __    good job!!
  \ \ ( <_,` ) \         ノ(       /____( ,_` )    n
    ___ ̄ ̄ ノ   |      /   ヽ      | __          l .,E
      /    /     /     /    \       /     /\ ヽ_



( Д)




   ∧__  ω・`)
   ( ´ω)  ω・`)  I brought a bunch; please use them...
  /  ||_ | (´ω・`)
  し'(_)) ̄(_)) ̄(_)

 ( ・∀・) *heart pounding*
 ( ∪

      / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       | Upham! Upham! Ammo! Bring ammo! Uphaaaammmm!!
       \_____  ________________
                      / ̄ ̄ no ammo
      /\     _.  ̄ ̄\  |_____.|     / ̄\
     | ̄ ̄|/_ |____ |(・∀・;||┘  | ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄|
   / ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄||  ´д`; || _ユ_II___ || ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄|
   / ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄||(  つつ[三≡_[----─゚  | ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄|
  /| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄|| ⌒\⌒\  ||  / ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄|
 / ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄] \_)_)..||| || ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄

     ∧_∧    _|| _|| _|| _||
       (;´Д`)    _|| _|| _|| _||
  -=  /    ヽ    _|| _|| _|| _||
.      /| |   |. |    _|| _|| _|| _||          _||
 -= /. \ヽ/\\_  _|| _|| _|| _||          _||
    /    ヽ⌒)==_=_|| _|| _|| _||     __   _||
-=   / /⌒\.\ ||  || ._|| _|| _|| _||-= ( ´ω)  _||
  / /    > )| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|     /ヽ○==_||
 / /     / .|______________| -= /  ||_ ||_,|
 し'     (_つ (_)) ̄ (.)) ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ (_)) ̄(.)) ̄    し'(_)) ̄(_)) ̄(_)

            |1/ |1/
          / ̄ ̄ ̄`ヽ、
         /        ヽ
        /  ⌒  ⌒    |
        | (●) (●)   |
        /          |   but my friends always tell
       /           |   me that I look like Moomin 
      (          _*laughs*
      (ヽ、       /  )|
       | ``ー――‐''"|  ヽ|
       ゝ ノ       ヽ   

            |1/ |1/
          / ̄ ̄ ̄`ヽ、
         /        ヽ
        /  ⌒  ⌒    |
        |  へ  へ    |   heheh, I just wanted to say it
        /          |     out loud
       /           |    
      (          _ |
      (ヽ、       /  )|
       | ``ー――‐''"|  ヽ|
       ゝ ノ       ヽ 
  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄


( ´ー`)


Well no I wanted to but gyaahhhhwhatareyoudoinggstoppaeglaknrgklangka 

There is one more that I cannot add because it is too big.  But it is very awesome.  :)

THE Week

This is the week.

The week where (hopefully) my summer plans are decided.

I'm supposed to hear back from Rapoport by Thursday and I hope I'm going to have an answer from Ali.  Her and her mom are going to look at additional condos this weekend since she's in town.  Condos in general are a go, though I don't know if I'm included in that picture yet.

And this week is my birthday.  So either its going to really suck or be really awesome.  I'm hoping for the awesome choice, but I'm afraid its going to be the sucky one.  :(

As a side-note:  I seem to be obsessed with Disney and Non-Disney princesses, even more so than usual.  While I'm also watching a lot of Sweeney Todd.  I can't tell what's going on in my mind either.



I'm so proud of myself!  Yesterday, I actually did a copious amount of work.  I studied for my test and quiz and read most of the 50 pages I was supposed to read!  Go me!  Whoo-Hooo!!!  ;)

And boy am I looking forward to the weekend!  And movies.  Lots and lots of movies.  


Decisions, Decisions

I hate making decisions.  I hate making decisions when there are too many variables to make good decisions even more.



Late Nights, Naptime, and Roommates

Last night, I had to go out and take pictures for an astronomy project.  So, I proceeded to drag Joanna out with me to try to take pictures of the night sky.  No matter what Dr. Gaskell (astronomy professor) says, it is very near impossible to take pictures through binoculars.  We had fun trying though.

After that, we decided to trek down to Kerbey Lane for some snackage.  Joanna has been feeling under the weather lately and decided to see if it was because of lack of protein.  By this time its around 11 P.M.  We had some issues with the server, but overall, it was pretty fun.  And the pancakes were fantastic.  Lol.  By the time we got back, it was around 12:30 in the A.M., so I finally feel like a college student!  Very little sleep right before a midterm!  Yeah!  Haha.

I finally went to bed around 1, only to wake up 5 hours later to finish my Japanese homework and get started on studying for my test at 9.  I had a quiz in Japanese also, which I did pretty good on.  The test also went well.  I was the first one done like usual and I didn't know only 2 of them.  I always forget what SCAP means.  (Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers, for those of you who are just as lost.)  

Intro to Japan really is my fav class even though its a lot of reading.  Growing up in America means that we've had American history shoved down our throat almost since we were born.  Learning history from the perspective of another country is interesting.  Especially since they are completely different from the U.S.

So after that I came back to sleep for another 5 hours.  Mostly since getting to college, I feel like I do nothing but sleep, eat and go to class.  Maybe some studying.  But most classes don't require it.

The thing for me that is hardest about college is having a roommate.  Typically Allegra and I get along well and she really is a great person, but sometimes I feel like I'm living in close quarters with my mother.  My mother and I get along well enough when we have separate rooms (thought there are still arguments about cleanliness), but living in the same room with her would be a nightmare.  Allegra cleans up my stuff without telling me.  It starts to get really annoying after a while.  Though with me being so laid back, I really don't say anything.  We have different standards of cleanliness.  I told her this at the beginning of the year.

I don't like to clean.  Unless I'm sick.  Which is weird.  But anyway, cleaning for me is not essential.  Even more so, I like to have my side of the room as I want it.  If it bothers you, either block it out or learn to live with it.  That seems harsh, but that's the way I roll.  Lol.  We're starting to have more and more problems.  I tend to not go eat with her much anymore (I'll sleep through lunch) and she cleans up my side of the room.

What really set me off tonight though was when I told her that my headphones were messed up.  To do my Japanese homework, I have to listen to some people talk in Japanese.  Listening and understanding is hard enough when you can hear perfectly, but jiggling with defective headphones while trying to do homework was something that I'm not willing to do.  So, I took my headphones out and played the conversation out loud.  It's maybe a minute.  Then Allegra tells me that she can hear it.  Yea, I know. 

Recently, its the been the little things that annoy me more than anything.  Talking loudly on the phone to her family for about an hour each night while I'm trying to do homework, organizing my desk or under my bed when I'm out, waking me up from my nap to ask me if I want to go to lunch, etc.

I think I just need a break from it all.  And more sleep.  Like seriously.


An Atypical Tuesday...

So.  I have this massive problem with actually going to class lately.  Haven't been in two days.  Worst thing is, I feel like I'm not missing much.  If I thought I was, I would go.

And I've been more tired than ever.  Which doesn't help with the whole getting up at 7 to get to class.  Haha.  So I skipped class today.  Like yesterday.  And I didn't turn in my project like I should have.  But it's only 1 point off for everyday that I don't though, so I'm not stressing about that.  Plus, Joanna and I are going to take pictures for the project tonight, so no big.  ;)

Lunch was crappy like always.  Dinner was good though.  I finally did laundry.  I haven't studied for my test tomorrow, though I'm not stressing about that either.  Lol.

I did find out about the WRA Director position today.  I didn't get the spot, though I didn't think I would, being a freshman with little credentials and all.  Anna did get it though!  Which makes me happy.  However, I do feel kinda bad for her since she has to deal with Sara.  Which I find completely hilarious.  And makes me glad that I don't have to deal with her in that capacity.  Lol.  She did say that I was going to be her "right-hand woman."  Haha.  We'll see.

Not that I don't have complete confidence in her and her word, but things happen which get in the way.  I hope I do, because I like to be helpful.  And I do want to stay involved in the WRA.  I guess this is one thing to look forward to for next year.  And my apartment.  Which I'm not sure is really happening.

Waiting sucks...



So, I somehow messed up my foot this weekend.  When Joanna called her mom and asked for advice, she said "Stay off it as much as possible."

Well, I apparently didn't stay off it as much as I should because I can barely walk to the door in my dorm, let alone classes.

This sucks.


I figured it was time I caved and got a blog.  

Tried the blogging thing before with xanga and myspace, and while it was fun for a while, it started to get annoying.

But I'm willing to give this a shot!  We'll see how it works out.  Lol.  ;)